Colorado's most expensive statehouse race tests Democratic Party’s progressive limits

2022-06-16 16:23:24 By : Mr. Shane Shen

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Elisabeth Epps scans the residential area just south of Denver’s Cheesman Park, with its clean and walkable streets, its million-dollar homes, its inviting public spaces and orderly yards.

A casual volleyball game has drawn a crowd and bicyclists in Patagonia shorts spin past. She’s seated on a curb in the middle of Colorado’s House District 6, where she’s vying for a seat in the state legislature, and she notes no police have driven by in the last hour. This neighborhood’s warm spring scene is evidence, Epps says, that the world she wants to build already exists for some.

By that, she means that the park-goers and residents here aren’t likely to get a knock at the door from a deputy enforcing an eviction. That they see the police as folks they can call if needed, but who will otherwise probably leave them alone. That if one of the people in one of these nice houses breaks a bone skiing and gets hooked on painkillers, they’re much more likely to have access to treatment than to be handcuffed for their addiction.

Epps, 42, contrasts this with how she grew up in North Carolina. A dozen schools in 10 years; her mother taken young by cancer; an early understanding of how “law enforcement” and “public safety” mean different things to different people. By 9, she’d already been in the back seat of a police car.

“Fleeting memories,” she says. “The adults in the front seat discussing whether I was going to go to foster care as my parent was going to prison. Me sitting right there while they discussed, and them giving me this teddy bear. It was one of the moments that I learned, OK, these folks don’t keep me safe. I did the thing I’m supposed to do, I called them for help. It didn’t work quite right.”

A world without police, Epps says, is a world without harm. If society insisted on housing everyone, providing livable wages and quality universal health care, and on passing legislation with these aims in mind, she says, it would be an easy call to reallocate the money put toward police and prisons. It’s already easy, she says, to visualize what true community safety can look like, because on this day in Cheesman Park it’s right in front of her.

She doesn’t flinch when she concludes that “of course, we should be working to abolish the police.”

It would be remarkable for someone who talks like that to win a seat in the statehouse, but Epps just might. Her campaign is well-monied and high-profile, and a threat from the left — the “far left,” some say — to a more moderate Democratic politics long-established and very much in charge in Colorado. She is far from the first to seek to challenge her party leadership’s norms, but her race is elevating the debate over how Democrats build, wield and ultimately maintain power in a state that looks awfully blue today, but in recent history was not so.

A half-hour walk from Cheesman Park, Epps’ election opponent, Katie March, sits on the patio at Pub on Penn in Capitol Hill, an unofficial home base for her own House District 6 campaign. There’s a third candidate in this race, a Republican who’s done zero fundraising, but the district’s generic-ballot Democratic advantage is close to 70 points, according to state data, and so it is nearly certain that one of the Democrats, March or and Epps, will claim the seat. Voting is already underway, and polls won’t close until the evening of June 28.

The district runs west from the Capitol through Cheesman, Congress Park, Hale, Montclair and East Colfax, then down to Lowry and Windsor Gardens. It’s one of 65 state House districts, and no more than about 18,000 people are likely to vote in the race. In that sense, this is about as local as politics gets.

But Denver primaries are known to attract outsize attention and money, perhaps never more so than in this case. Epps and March are number one and two, respectively, for state House fundraising this cycle. Between their own campaigns and a deluge of outside spending (mostly in March’s favor), this is the most expensive state legislative race in Colorado this year — likely ever, by the time it’s over. The race has become a proxy fight between leftists and liberals, between lobbyists and donors for business and for the poor, a host to big-picture questions about the party’s present and future, about public safety, money in politics and even the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

Over a glass of club soda at the pub, March laughs at how, for all the noise and all the money, her task is really a hyperlocal one.

“Fifty votes could swing this race,” she says. “It’s gonna be close.”

She’s wrapping up a point about why Colorado needs a strict waiting-period law for gun buyers when a man walks by shouting at no one in particular. He lifts the lid off a metal trashcan and slams it back down, then wanders toward traffic. His wails fade as he disappears down the street.

March, 34, shakes her head. She lives near here and is used to seeing homelessness and public displays of untreated mental illness, which so often coincide. If elected, she says, she’ll seek to help change a criminal legal system that can be especially punishing for people like the man who slammed the trash lid.

“I believe we need deep reforms,” she says. “I believe we incarcerate far too many low-level offenders. I think we need to reform our bail system and end mandatory minimum (sentences). I believe we need to reform the way we police in this state. I think we need to hold police officers accountable if they’re engaging in discriminatory actions or police brutality. I think we need to have more mental health supports.”

March, who spent five years on staff for House Democratic leadership in Colorado, thinks all of that can be achieved through existing systems. She doesn’t believe the state should prohibit cities like Denver from adopting urban camping bans — Epps does — but she feels there’s a better way to enforce such policies than to simply move houseless folks along from one sidewalk to the next. She believes that American policing is a fixable institution, not something to be torn down and reimagined.

“Probably the biggest place Elisabeth and I differ is on criminal justice,” March says. “Where I don’t go as far as Elisabeth does is that I do not believe we should be defunding police or abolishing police and prisons in our society.

“When I talk to people at the doors in HD6, they would still like there to be a police department. That’s why I believe we need to be careful with the words that we choose.”

This, roughly, is the predominant view among the Democrats at the statehouse. The majority party takes incremental steps over major reforms on policing, courts, jails and prisons. They won’t decriminalize sex work, but they did pass a law this year to give sex workers a bit more protection. Prisoners can’t vote, but parolees can. Body camera is more accessible than it used to be, but it can still be hard for the public to obtain. The legislature last month declined to felonize all instances of fentanyl possession, but it came pretty close.

On criminal justice and many other topics, it’s easy to see where March would fit in among House Democrats. She’s a self-identified progressive who sounds a lot like most of the caucus she’d join: March loathes Colorado’s conservative Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR). She believes unauthorized immigrants should have access to government programs and services just the same as citizens. She’s proud of the gun laws she helped advance while on staff in the House, and she seeks new laws with longer waiting periods for gun buyers, stricter licensure for sellers and bans on so-called assault weapons. She, like the majority of the legislature and unlike Epps, supports the state’s fentanyl law, and she hopes Colorado voters will pass an upcoming ballot measure that would make it legal to put state funding toward abortion care.

March talks about reaching across the aisle, about acting boldly when possible and incrementally when necessary. She reveres the legislative institution and the unofficial code of conduct at the Capitol, which prizes caucus unity, bipartisanship, thorough “stakeholding” and compromise.

There are many lawmakers roughly similar to March  — that is, reliable Democratic votes who don’t grab headlines or force too many controversial debates — all around the statehouse already. March says she wants to emulate state Sen. Janet Buckner of Aurora, who is well respected in the Capitol, seldom in the spotlight and firmly in the middle of the left-center spectrum among Senate Democrats.

Epps wouldn’t be the only leftist in the legislature, but in some ways she’d be one of one in state politics. For example, she has called herself a “radical” and spoken glowingly of anarchism.

“I’m not aware of anything I said that I regret,” says Epps, adding that she reserves the right to change her mind, and sometimes has.

She’s not shied from words like “abolish” or “defund.” She’s been frequently critical of her own party and she says she voted for Jill Stein for president in 2016.

That scares a lot of voters and people who work at the Capitol. Powerful lobbyists who generally oppose progressive legislation, including the Colorado Apartment Association and the Colorado Chamber of Commerce, have combined for a six-figure funding push behind March, mostly funneled through independent expenditure committees.

“They know who Elisabeth is and they know what she stands for,” says state Sen. Janet Buckner, an Aurora Democrat and March ally. “They know this, and they choose Katie.”

Epps and her camp have hammered March over her support from anti-progressive lobbyists who’ve worked against policies such as mandated emissions reductions on industry, universal paid family leave and a pandemic eviction ban.

Says one in that camp, Denver Democrat and House candidate Javier Mabrey, “Medicare For All is popular. Strongly addressing climate change is popular. Fighting for more affordable housing is popular. … But (the lobby) can pay to build a sense that there is movement in this country against policies that are popular.”

A half-dozen sitting lawmakers interviewed for this story said that endorsements and campaign donations don’t necessarily guarantee allegiance.

“The lobby is the most capitalistic group down at the Capitol, regardless of party. They just work for paying clients,” said state Rep. Matt Soper, a Delta Republican. “Just because a lobbyist gives you money, or an association gives you money, doesn’t mean they’re buying votes. What it does mean is that when the time comes to have a conversation about legislation, that legislator is more likely than not to grant time. Face time is what they’re buying. It’s the ability to talk to that lawmaker.”

To hear many politicos endorsing March tell it, Epps would be a wildcard reluctant to listen to opponents and likely to make her own caucus uncomfortable by introducing legislation that proposes big change, but that probably doesn’t have the votes to pass.

Her record forecasts a less black-and-white picture.

Though it doesn’t often come through via her public persona, Epps has a lot of experience operating within the machine that has lined up against her. She worked for former Congressional Democrats and both Barack Obama presidential campaigns. She — like March — supported Elizabeth Warren’s 2020 presidential run.

Epps is best known for what she’s done outside the Capitol — founding the state’s biggest bail fund; leading and speaking at protests; being the lead plaintiff on a winning lawsuit against Denver police for injuring people who in 2020 demonstrated against racism and police brutality — but she’s also got a record of crafting and passing legislation. She worked closely on the state’s sweeping, bipartisan police reform bill of 2020. She wants to abolish cash bail in Colorado by 2026, but says she’s playing a long game by lobbying to pass incremental changes, and she’s mostly succeeded.

“My body of experience is about the most not-outsider thing you can be,” Epps said. “I don’t want to shy away from the things that make my presence disruptive, the way in which that is necessary, but it’s not disruptive in a way that’s rude.”

Though Epps knows how to play the game, March’s political resume was forged in it.

March was born in Colorado and attended public schools, then public universities, in Fort Collins and Greeley. She studied history and became a museum educator before taking a job with then-Speaker Crisanta Duran, a Denver Democrat and the first Latina to lead the state House. She remained on caucus staff once Boulder’s KC Becker took the gavel from Duran, then again when Denver’s Alec Garnett took over for Becker.

Five years so close to some of the most powerful positions in state government taught March about all manner of issues, which shows when she knocks on doors in HD6: One woman says she wants more affordable housing in unused motels, and March speaks to a slew of bills she’d worked on in the housing space. Voters in this primary are fed up with American gun violence, and at front doors March often leads by talking about all the work she did to help shepherd Colorado’s “red flag” law, among others. In a front yard a man gripes about TABOR but doesn’t seem to fully understand it, so March fills in blanks. Down the block, March gets wonky on a front porch about property taxes.

Her Capitol experience also earned her close connections to powerful people, many of whom have lined up in support of her campaign. March’s endorsement list is a who’s-who of the statehouse Democratic establishment, including Speaker Garnett, Senate President Steve Fenberg and about 30 other sitting lawmakers. Epps’ legislative endorsement list is shorter and includes more progressive members who try to move the party left, with mixed results.

March is also married to Matt McGovern, who runs the House Majority Project to elect Democrats to the chamber. (Aurora state Rep. Mike Weissman, the current chair of the HMP, told The Denver Post that the operation exists to win general elections, not primaries, and that March’s marriage affords her no party resources that aren’t also available to Epps and other candidates.)

March says all these connections position her well to legislate effectively.

“We need more folks in the building who know how to get really tough bills passed,” she says. “We need to continue to have a heavy focus on stakeholding and talking to people and working across the aisle, or with more moderate Democrats. We need to be able to really bring people together, and that means having a conversation and, if you need to, compromising. It means always stick to your values to be able to get the most that you can for the people in your district and in the state.”

Offers Epps: “There’s ‘establishment’ and then there’s ‘you’re married to the executive director of the House Majority Project and the speaker of the House officiated your wedding.’ That’s different.

“So, no, I’m not that.”

Epps says she wants to lead with backbone, but not isolate herself from the Democratic caucus. She’s not scared, she says, of running on policies she believes have broad support outside the Capitol, even though those policies often struggle within the building. She doesn’t believe this approach will imperil swing seats or otherwise make it harder for Democrats to stay in power.

Take paid family and medical leave, for example. Democratic lawmakers tried and failed for years to pass this. The legislation was eventually scrapped, as sponsors failed to win over the governor and a handful of Democrats in the Senate. Backers went to the ballot and won by 15 points.

“There is a line between what we need in our communities and what we can actually get through legislation by getting enough votes to do it,” Buckner says.

Mabrey, the Epps ally and House candidate, sees rent control the same way. It polls well, but it’s a third rail in the Capitol.

“I’m hearing rent increases of $400, $350. Last week i heard of an $800 rent increase,” Mabrey said. “Working people cannot afford to live in our cities anymore. … Are we going to do something? This is why it’s so important to elect people who are willing to take those bold steps.”

Corporate interests that back March are invested heavily in stopping those “bold steps.”

This is a team effort, largely funneled through an independent expenditure committee called We Mean Business Colorado, which, latest filings show, has spent roughly a quarter-million on the race. This group is run by unaffiliated former state lawmaker Cheri Jahn, and its contributors include One Main Street Colorado, a 501(c)4 organization backed by pipefitters and others from the more traditional — and usually less progressive — union camp; realtors; pharmaceutical companies; and conservatives in favor of “education reform” and in opposition to teachers unions.

Last month, One Main Street ran an online voter survey that seemed to lead people toward March. It included a series of statements about Epps — “opposes sensible gun control,” “a self-described anarchist,” “values the life of Osama Bin Laden and foreign terrorists as much as LGBTQ American military service members” — and then asked voters to pick among three reactions to these statements: “definitely vote against,” “probably vote against” and “not impact vote.” On these questions, there was no option for anyone to say they’d be more likely to vote for Epps.

Many criticized the survey, and March distanced herself from it. She said she had no involvement and recently told The Post that she only ever saw partial screenshots.

Andrew Short, the Democratic operative who runs One Main Street, told The Post, “We apologize to anyone who viewed our scientific poll with any bias,” though he did not apologize for any specific sections of the poll and said “it takes honesty and courage and integrity to ask those tough questions in our communities.” His group, and others, have lately been running ads attacking Epps.

A newer outside group called Denver Against Antisemitism, run by a former HD6 candidate named Steven Paletz. March opposes the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement meant to punish Israel for its treatment of Palestinians, while Epps says she’d vote to repeal a state law declaring loyalty to Israel. Two Jewish progressive lawmakers in districts bordering HD6, Steven Woodrow and Emily Sirota, both endorse Epps.

With so much outside money and messaging, leftists are starting to spend big, too. The Working Families Party of Colorado has already spent about $100,000 on its own independent expenditure committee, and Mabrey has formed a political action committee that he says will support candidates opposed by the state chamber of commerce.

Epps says that all the spending against her tells a story: If so many Colorado Democrats are aligning with business groups and Republicans to elect a less progressive white woman and stop a more progressive Black woman — one with vast experience, popularity and fundraising chops — then what, she wonders, does that say about the kind of party Democrats have built?

It’s a version of the same question often asked by leftists in other states and at the national level.

“Look at what we’ve raised. Are you worried about turnout? Are you worried about who’s going to get communities excited to vote up and down the ballot in the fall?” Epps says. “I’ve brought in this amount of money without doing any of the things they say you have to do to bring in the money.”

March, meanwhile, worries she’s been miscast. She bristles when she’s referred to as the “moderate” or “centrist” option in the race. She is not as famous as Epps and can’t boast the same grassroots excitement, but, she says, all this outside money shouldn’t lead anyone to think she’s beholden to the money that fuels her campaign. She says she respects Epps, but hopes voters will side with “pragmatism” over controversial ideas that may not pass the legislature. There’s a chance Republicans will take control of the state Senate this election, which would all but close off the prospect of major progressive laws here until at least 2025.

She hopes people see past the flash, even if she struggles sometimes to get the message out.

“The thing I’m very aware of is Elisabeth is really great at Twitter. She’s great at engaging people and has a lot of wonderful followers and I think that’s wonderful for her, and it’s a sincere compliment. She’s very good,” March says. “I am not great at Twitter and I’m not a person who takes selfies. It’s something I have worked on because I think it can be a really great tool to be able to reach out to constituents and to really engage and be transparent and honest. But, also, I’m not wanting to do this job for likes and for retweets. I don’t need people to know who I am. That’s not the goal. I’m very cool with that.”

She says she’d vote the same way Epps would on the vast majority of bills that come before the legislature. That’s no doubt true.

“There’s a lot of things that Elisabeth and I have in common, about wanting to help people,” March says, adding that if she loses the primary, she’ll vote for her opponent in the general.

In ads and on Twitter, Epps characterizes March as bought-and-paid-for. She says the candidates might as well belong to different parties, and indeed would in a country with more than two serious options. Asked whether she’d vote for March in the general election, Epps pauses, then laughs, then half-jokingly asks how a “good Democrat” should respond.

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